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Introducing BSafes, Part III

Introducing BSafes, Part III

I’ve explained the benefits of this system in very specific terms, what it does and how it works, but there are still practical examples to use to help drive the point home of why BSafes is the premier tool for data security in the modern age.

Surely you’ve heard of some of the biggest cyber-security screw-ups in the most recent years? Yahoo and Equifax were two of the most prolific cases of such errors. For Equifax, the tax information for 143 Million of their customers who use their service to store and manage their tax data for the year was compromised. That means a third party, a person or group of people working to infiltrate the servers and steal the data, were successful and had access to everything from social security numbers to registered receipts of 143 million people. Among that number, a select few of 209,000 had their credit card information leaked to the public.

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Yahoo suffered the worst of it. 3 billion accounts were registered to Yahoo at the time of its major breach, which happened during negotiations to sell its assets to Verizon. Once news broke that basically every single user of Yahoo, since they began operations assumedly, had been hacked and made for redistribution, the price of their potential sale spiked down by a few hundred million dollars. They boasted the use of a “robust bycrypt algorithm” but it still left the data in storage to be pried into by anyone that could assimilate a key of their own. If they used end-to-end encryption, where keys were unique to the end users and not to the storage server itself, all those hackers would have gotten was space-wasting digital white-noise.

As technology has progressed the industries have refined the tools necessary to protect their information. Some methods rose up to prominence only to be compromised and then quickly disposed as imperfect solutions. Others withstood long tests of time until they were brute-forced into obsolescence. Technology moves with such astounding speed that even a few years from today some new method may come along that will make everything before it look too simple and unworth attention. Our end-to-end service model removes that worry with a future-proofed and proven technology.

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By establishing the Team and Member structure with known individuals within a network, the team members can administer the data accordingly in the same way they would walk right up to a person and pass a note to them palm-to-palm in a handshake gesture. Unseen, unknown and hidden to everyone but themselves. The secrecy remains the same, it’s just the transferral method that has changed. The person-to-person model of information sharing is still the most discreet.

The one stop made between those two entities, the air between the hands shaking, happens to be server space, and this is where most companies have fallen into historic blunders. Servers are not easy to manage. Aside from the physical space, they must accommodate many lanes and networks of traffic to get the data to flow through the company so that anyone who needs it will be able to access it as it’s needed. That means more exposures for more people, wider lanes and more potential for an unknown element to squeeze its way into the crowd and enter where they’re not permitted.

The wider the access, the less restrictions are necessary. Some legacy companies, major Fortune 500 conglomerates, will only use email validation for their financial information. And how secure is an email? Well, if it’s a Yahoo one, not very. Even Google had their own problems with emails, citing that over 4 billion emails have thus far been hacked. Having a gate that’s easy to enter for everyone means those who shouldn’t enter will come in too.

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BSafes doesn’t use wide lanes for traffic. Each Member has their own key in that no one else has a copy of. It’s not an email, it’s a unique profiler specific to that person’s machine. The only way to get in without their permission is to sit at their workstation and log in as them while they’re not present. The safest barrier to computer protection, as in any data protection, remains to be the physical one. The handcuff and briefcase.

Any company or group using sensitive data deserves security to transfer it. Doctors deserve the security and sanctity of their reports and confidential patient information to be preserved as they commute the data to the necessary departments within a hospital to ensure appropriate tests are done. Lawyers deserve to keep their client communications strictly confidential so that only they and the approved parties within the purview of the law are able to know what is happening and being said. Programers should not have to worry or suffer over the mistakes of a service putting their hard worked code out onto the internet freely without their intention, to be replicated and stolen by the enterprising software thieves that could stand to publish it on their own.

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There are many applications for BSafes. Data security is the focus, but the rate of transferral and the available storage and downloading space rivals that of the currently major file transfer services. With unlimited uploading and expandable storage space, it’s ideal for major high-fidelity media projects, remote-operation filming and video production. The freedom of file type inclusion means any industry, any profession can make use of this service so long as they have a need to share ideas or work among teams of people across the internet.

The age of information will keep progressing and data will become more widespread and easy to access. With Android systems, people can download whole movies with just a few taps of a phone screen. It will only become easier for people with less honest intentions to get that same data with just a few extra taps for no charge of their own, to pluck it out of the course in a network and take the data for themselves before it ever gets to the original destination. Simultaneously, the approach of peer-to-peer direct data sharing has already been exampled by crypto-currency networks using the encrypted hashing of block chains to generate direct value for many people.

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In the end, no matter how complex and rapid the sharing of data becomes, the simplest solutions will always function just as well as they did in the days before internet. No phone calls at unserviceable hours from unlisted hot-wired phone booths or multiple-language transcriptions across barriers and borders just for one English speaking man on the front lines to say Hello to another man in the command chair. We still have hands, we can still shake them together, and pass our information on in a personal way. The distance has changed but with BSafes, our method has not. Safety and security are the prime concerns we work to guarantee at a cost reflecting the simplicity.

We are currently in a Beta development stage. Consider supporting us as we implement more changes to user interface implementation and accessibility. The technology and infrastructure are all in place. We strive to give businesses and individuals the level of protection that governments around the world are still actively trying to push for with laws. Safety should be at your hands, and shared with the hands you choose to share with.