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Introducing BSafes, Part II

Introducing BSafes, Part II

How does this all work, and more over, what exactly can be uploaded and sent from the system itself? The BSafes notetaking software generates notes which can have media rich content such as audio or video files, interactive photo galleries and other miscellaneous file attachments such as compiled executables for programming jobs. Pages can also have comments, regarding work orders or timetables to provide updates one who worked on each page last, as well as tags.

Once the pages are uploaded, the tags can be stored on them to help sort through them at a later date. For large companies, hundreds of these pages could be maintained and worked on daily. To easily search through them while maintaining their encryption, tags can be used to identify the content of the page and the relevance to whichever team needs to work on them. That way, the team members with their own decryption keys to unlock their projects will be able to find them easier and not have to search and scan through the dozens of pages they cannot access without the proper permissions.

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The BSafes sharing works by having the owner of the account, the team leader for the file distribution or a project manager, create Teams and assign Members. Members receive their own individual Keys through the system, which are used to decrypt the files that are meant specifically for them. They won’t be able to open or manipulate any pages that don’t match to their own keys. Each page is meant for only certain members, so that the information they handle is not distributed to the wrong groups or outside parties.

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Once pages are uploaded and tagged they can be searched in the database or linked to directly. Members can then access the pages to their own personal Workspace in the cloud. From there, the data is re-encrypted once it’s been worked on so that the Member maintains permissions to access it, allowing it to be distributed to other essential team members or to no one where it will stay secure on the cloud where it’s stored until future use is required. BSafes also allows files to be downloaded directly to a desktop for offline storage and reading.

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BSafes works in collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to manage data online. It provides world-class facilities in cloud storage. Because the data is encrypted not even Amazon staff in the data management centers is able to see the data which they are storing without the keys. Even the account holder cannot access data meant for individual members, only the key holders can open the pages. The encryption method combined with the infrastructure of one of the world’s largest technology storage companies ensures that your data is protected and sealed against all digital elements.