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Introducing BSafes, Part I

Introducing BSafes, Part I

The standards of security have changed over history, but they have always been that needed consideration. From the ancient times of codes and encryptions, offshoots of the popular languages to hide discreet information from prying eyes, to the more modern variant of safeguarding, the handcuff and the briefcase to ensure only the right person with the essential information will possess it and distribute it accordingly. The methods change but the need is always there; the need for highly secure information is a constant concern in the realm of business.

Image by izoca from Pixabay

Video presentation by ericarebeltv

In this modern age of technology, we enjoy the most rapid and widespread form of information distribution. People across the world are capable of relaying data to one another across the Internet. It has revolutionized the way business and transactions are conducted. And it has led to revolutions in security for all of that data to pass hands as safely as possible. Even then, there are compromises. With so much digital space to traverse, the opportunities for essential information to be intercepted or stolen are not uncommon.

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The BSafes Project is designed from the ground up, open source client-side using no additional proprietary software, to help patch up the holes along the information highway where crucial data travels so that none of it can slip through cracks or be exposed to anyone other than its intended recipients. It is an information sharing service which restricts access through industry-standardized hard to crack methods and is made to be compatible with machines of different systems and levels of technology. BSafes allows teams to work together, providing end-to-end encryption so that it stays protected from the moment it’s sent to the moment it’s opened at its intended destination.

The main edge that BSafes offers in this age of information technology, a saturated market of safety options, is its end-to-end encryption. Already existing services such as Onenote, Google Keep, Evernote and Notion don’t have this functionality. Anyone within the network of these services could potentially intercept the data if it was sent improperly, or they could access it where it is stored. BSafes prioritizes protection from sender to user with no space or opportunity for any other party to involve itself with the data, not even the internet service provider.

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End-to-End Encryption is in use currently with the WhatsApp messaging service, which protects the data sent in text messages from user to user. No one can see the message until it arrives at the destination it’s meant for. However, that service does not offer the range of note-taking services that BSafes has.

This is a comprehensive file sharing and information distribution platform, compatible with all modern HTML 5 browsers and platforms on all major operating systems. It’s capable of maintaining its encryption with files up to 500MB and can safely send up to 100 files at a time within that limit. With that all comes a standard WYSIWYG rich text editor for in-line editing of complex notes. It’s capable of making bullet lists, tables and writing with various formatting options for easy reading.

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All of this is priced at $2.99 a month. This includes unlimited members to send to and team structures to include into a package. An entire business can be made or unmade on its security, and one responsible person can help lift them up out of uncertainty to ensure without question the security of their team’s important data. Whether Doctors, Lawyers or Financial Professionals, people handling sensitive and essential information within a closed network can make use of this software.

That’s not all, though. The standard rate gives access to unlimited upload bandwidth as well. Whole databases can be transferred from one person to the next over a secured connection with a realistically minimal chance of the data leaking to third parties. It also has 10 GB of cloud-based storage, which continues to incorporate the security of end-to-end encryption so that even someone with access to the storage could not receive the data unless they were permitted to by the sender/uploader.

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Each month offers 5 GB of download per account and 5,000 page versions. These options can be expanded for larger scale businesses for only $0.99 a month. The price is affordable for small businesses with exacting security needs and expansive enough to accommodate major corporations and firms with many offices across their respective countries. Distance and upload limitations will no longer inhibit productivity as team members from far and wide will have free, safe access to their company’s data.